Tuesday, August 12, 2014


How beautiful is Fiona! Thank you Geri <3
I saw your comment on a picture I had posted to Tinton Falls Shelter, and decided to share Fiona's story.
         Her story began on October 27, 2012 when Sandy hit the shores of NJ. Fiona had been surrendered to the shelter by her owners. On November 5, 2012, we had to put our 13 year old Husky, Bandit, to sleep. I think the storm, and losing power for several days, was too much for him. He had been ill ...but went downhill rather quickly. It was a very sad time at our home, my son and his family were staying with us because they lost their home in Union Beach to Sandy. I was online looking at Petfinder, when Fiona's picture popped up. It was a Sunday morning, something about her made me pause. I sent an email to the shelter, that afternoon, with my grandson, we went to see her, mind you it was only to look. I went with all the necessary documents to adopt her, that afternoon she became a part of our family. I recalled reading a Dog's Last Will and Testament and I truly believe Bandit sent her to us, you see, she was given up on Bandit's 13th Birthday.
We love it!

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